Focus on your audience when creating content

Before you begin working on your content, identify your audience. To whom are you presenting your information or product? Why are you providing this information or product to them? If…

Use story telling principles to help write and promote your content

Everyone understands stories. We are drawn in by them. Stories are an effective tool when you’re presenting content to your employer to endorse your work or when…

Plan your content life cycle

All content goes through a life cycle. The life cycle of content can occur differently depending on the project. However, three phases are consistent…

Content should be clear, concise and consistent

When you’re writing content, remember (what I call) the three Cs: clear, concise, and consistent. Audiences should apprehend the content presented to them. You should…

Use rhetorical strategies to market content

When writing content for businesses and institutions, your content needs to be persuasive. A content writer can transform their content into compelling information by…

The Element of Content Strategy

Content strategy is the web’s hottest new thing. But where did it come from? Why does it matter? And what does the content renaissance mean for you? This brief guide explores content strategy’s roots, and quickly and expertly demonstrates not only how it’s done, but how you can do it well. A compelling read for both experienced content strategists and those making the transition from other fields.”

– A Book Apart

Erin Kissane


Erin Kissane is a content strategist and editor based in New York City and Portland, Oregon. She was an editor at A List Apart magazine for nearly ten years, and has also been a freelance book editor and the editorial director of Happy Cog Studios. In 2011, she joined content strategy consultancy Brain Traffic, where she leads content projects and eats cake.”

– A Book Apart