Content should be clear, concise and consistent​

Picture By: Sixteen Miles Out

When you’re writing content, remember (what I call) the three Cs: clear, concise, and consistent. Audiences should apprehend the content presented to them. You should write your content in clear and concise language. Audiences should easily understand what you are informing them or how to use your product. One way to do this is to avoid jargon. Jargon isn’t innately wrong; however, a majority of people don’t understand any jargon. If you have a VERY specific audience who uses the jargon you want to include, then it’s acceptable. Otherwise, trash it.

Furthermore, avoid including an abundance of content in your project. If there is an overload of content, audiences will be confused. Our brains are limited to the amount of information we intake and process. You should create a list putting the most relevant information at the top and the least relevant information at the bottom. This method will help you prioritize essential content and recognize trivial content.

Moreover, your product content isn’t the only aspect of your projects that will improve from the three Cs. You can enhance goals, meetings, deliverables, and processes if they’re clear, concise, and consistent. You should remember to reevaluate your content at every product stage cycle to verify if the three Cs are still present.