If your users have a bad experience, give them a great experience

Picture By: Mick Haupt

Humans react based on their gut reaction than logic. When a loved one hurts you, is your initial response calmly and logically thinking through the betrayal? Probably not. You most likely want that person to feel the pain you’re experiencing, or you want to express your pain to others. Either way, the outcome will be fatal for the betrayer. Hence, you must be aware of their user’s reactions.

Users analyze products or websites through a cost and benefits approach (does the benefit outweigh the cost?). When your user experiences difficulty with your product or website, the cost rises. A higher cost suggests there is a higher risk your user will abandon your product or website. However, a good experience can increase the benefits and the chance your user will stay.

How a user remembers an experience is more important than how they experienced it. How a user recalls an experience is how they perceive it. Memories with emotional charge last longer and are remembered more accurately than neutral memories. Some of my favorite books aren’t New York bestsellers or Newberry Award winners, but I enjoyed my experience reading them. Even when the story fades in my mind, the memories of eagerly flipping through the pages remain with me.