Determine your audience’s needs and desires

Picture By: AB

Begin approaching emotional design by understanding the needs of the audience/users. Many major tech companies follow this approach, like Apple. Apple founder Steve Jobs always said, “We think you’re going to love it,” before he revealed Apple’s new product because his business spent time and other resources researching and designing user-specific products. Hence, Apple is known for having a better user interface compared to competitors such as Microsoft.

But how do designers satisfy their user’s needs? They look to a modified version of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow organizes his Hierarchy of Needs in the shape of a pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid, there is physiological. Then above physiological, there is safety. Above safety, there is love/belonging. And above long/belonging, there is esteem. And at the top, there is self-actualization.                             

The author Aarron Walter reworded Maslow’s hierarchy for user experiences context. Physiological is functional. If users can’t complete their tasks, they won’t continue using a product. Safety is reliable. If a product isn’t reliable, a user will shift to a more accountable product when they find one Love/belonging is usable. A product should be easy to learn how to use. Lastly, self-actualization is pleasurable. A user should enjoy their experience.